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Aarogya, the premier pharmacy management solution developed by Facet Technology, designed to revolutionize the way pharmacies handle patient management and medication tracking. This innovative platform streamlines the process of managing patient profiles, prescriptions, and comprehensive medication histories, all in one centralized location. Aarogya empowers pharmacists and healthcare professionals to deliver superior care by ensuring accurate and efficient tracking of medications, enhancing patient safety, and improving overall service delivery. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, Aarogya is the ultimate tool for pharmacies seeking to optimize their operations and provide exceptional care to their patients.

  • Problem & Solutions
  • Features
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Problem & Solutions

Problem Statement
The current pharmacy management process lacks a centralized and efficient system to handle staff management, doctor-patient assignment, medicine management, and prescription handling. Manual record-keeping leads to errors, delays, and potential risks for patients. Managing multi-location pharmacies and generating comprehensive reports becomes challenging due to scattered data. Additionally, ensuring medication safety with drug interaction checks is time-consuming and prone to oversight. The lack of a robust pharmacy management system hampers smooth operations, leading to inefficiencies and compromised patient care.

Our Solutions

To address the challenges faced in pharmacy management, we propose the development of a comprehensive web application – “Aarogya.” Aarogya is an all-in-one pharmacy management system designed to streamline operations, enhance patient care, and improve medication safety. It offers a centralized platform for staff, doctors, and patients, ensuring seamless management of medications, prescriptions, and reporting.


  • Patient Management
  • Report Generation
  • Patient’s log
  • Staff Management
  • Doctor Management
  • Medicine Management
  • Doctor-Patient Assignment
  • Prescription Management

Contact Us

Facet Technology P L

Dhumbarahi Marg, Kathmandu 44602

00977 4515186

[email protected]

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