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Assets Management System

Assets Management System

Assets Management System is engineered to revolutionize the way businesses handle their assets, offering a comprehensive solution that streamlines the entire lifecycle of asset management. From initial asset entry, complete with barcode and QR code generation, to detailed asset analysis, assignment, handover, and thorough maintenance logging, this system ensures that every piece of equipment is tracked and managed efficiently. The inclusion of an Automated Maintenance Contract (AMC) log further enhances the system’s utility by keeping all contract-related information in one place. The Assets Management System platform’s flexibility allows for the seamless integration of assets from inventory, making it an indispensable tool for any organization looking to optimize its asset management processes.

The system’s robust features Contract Management System is complemented by a suite of administrative tools designed to customize and control the asset management experience. General settings enable users to define asset types, descriptions, manufacturers, suppliers, status, and conditions, and even select depreciation methods, tailoring the system to meet specific organizational needs. Administrative settings further empower managers with group, user, and permission management capabilities, ensuring that access is both secure and appropriately allocated. This software has comprehensive reporting features, including asset barcode labels, detailed asset history, financial summaries, and depreciation schedules, providing invaluable insights for decision-making. This software has the features of audit checklists, service completions, and warranty expirations are also meticulously tracked, ensuring compliance and facilitating proactive asset management. With Xelwel Innovation’s Asset Management System, organizations gain a powerful ally in maintaining operational efficiency and asset integrity.

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Load assets From Inventory

Assets(Assets Entry(With Barcode and QR Code Generation), Assets Analysis, Assets Assign/Handover, Assets Maintenance Log, AMC Log

Contract Management System
General Setting (Asset Type Setup, Assets Description Setup, Manufacture Setup, Supplier Setup, Assets Status Setup, Condition Setup, Depreciation Method )
Admin Setting(Manage Group, Manage User, Manage Permission)
Reports (Asset Barcode Labels, Asset Details, Asset History, Asset List, Asset List (Finance), Asset Summary (Finance), Audit Checklist, Checked Out, Completed Service, Completed Service With Costs, Depreciation Schedule (Annual) with Different Method, Overdue Audit, Overdue Checkout, Warranty Expiration

Contact Us

Xelwel Innovation (P.) Ltd.

Samakhusi , Kathmandu
[email protected]
Phone: +977-9843569096
Tech Support: +977-9851185208

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