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Crystal ERP

Crystal ERP

Crystal ERP is presented by Crystal Solution, stands as a comprehensive ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software solution, meticulously designed to cater to the unique operational needs of schools and colleges. This state-of-the-art platform is engineered to streamline administrative and academic processes, ensuring a seamless integration of all facets of educational management. From admissions and student information systems to finance, human resources, and beyond, This ERP serves as the backbone of educational institutions, enabling them to enhance efficiency, improve data accuracy, and foster a more collaborative environment. By embracing This ERP, schools, and colleges can leverage the power of digital transformation to navigate the complexities of educational management with ease and precision.

The significance of this ERP in transforming the educational landscape cannot be overstated. It offers an intuitive, user-friendly interface that simplifies the management of vast amounts of data, ensuring that decision-makers have access to real-time insights for more informed strategic planning. Moreover, This ERP’s adaptability to the evolving demands of educational institutions makes it a versatile tool that supports not only current operational requirements but also future growth. With its robust features and customization capabilities, Crystal ERP by Crystal Solution is the ultimate choice for schools and colleges looking to optimize their operations and elevate the educational experience for students and staff alike.

  • Features
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Student & Academics

  • Manage student information and academic records perfectly.
  • Student Management
  • Complete profile of student and parents.
  • Keep Complete Record of Students.
  • Store all student documents online.
  • Student Clubs & Student Groups
  • Generate ID Cards & Certificates
  • Analysis Reports


  • Examination and Result Processing
  • Online Result
  • Daily & Period-wise Attendance Recording
  • Attendance Record
  • Attendance Reports
  • Symbol Number System
  • Assignment System

Examination & Result

  • Admit Card Generation
  • Custom Result Design
  • Exam Routine Preparation & Publishing
  • Result Processing
  • Online Result
  • Mark Ledger Export
  • Result Analysis

Student & Academics

  • Manage student information and academic records perfectly.

Subject Management

  • Compulsory & Elective Subject
  • Subject Groups
  • Subject Master with Subject Code
  • Elective Subject Selection

Course / Lesson Plan

  • Subject Chapter Setup
  • Course Plan Preparation
  • Adding Materials to Subject and Chapters
  • Course Plan Clone and Reports

Assignment System

  • Teachers can provide assignments to students.
  • Deadline-based assignment.
  • Assignment Submission and Re-submission.
  • Comments in the assignment.
  • Assignment Submission Report

University Grants Commission and QAA

  • Maintain and implement all the features required by the Univerisity Grants Commission under QAA Process.

University Examination

  • University Examination Marks & Result Recording
  • Import Facility of Marks
  • Symbol Number Update for Single / Multiple Examination

QAA Report

  • Complete Graduate Profile
  • Annual Profile
  • Other necessary reports.

Fees & Finance

  • Get your finances in order.
  • Complete Fees and Accounts Management.

Fees Management

  • Invoice Generation and Payments
  • Payment Reminders
  • Discounts and Scholarships
  • Due and Statement Reports
  • Daily Collection Reports and Daily Closing System
  • Multiple Payment Methods
  • Donation Collection
  • Fees Forecasting Report
  • Integration with Accounts


  • Double Entry Book Keeping System
  • Timeless Accounting
  • Vouchers Entry
  • Statements and Reports
  • Detailed Transaction Search
  • Transaction Cancellation


  • Vehicle & Route Setup
  • Group, Route-based Fee Charging
  • Bus Stop Change History
  • Integration with Fees & Account

HR & Payroll

  • Complete records of staff, attendance, and payroll based on rules of the Nepal Government


  • Complete Employee Profile( Skills & Competencies, Personal, Position and Level Detais)
  • Employee Document Upload and Storage
  • Recruitment Process
  • Leave Management
  • Goals and Performance Management
  • Career Development, Succession Planning
  • Learning & Learning Management
  • Health & Safety


  • Manage your payroll tasks on time and easily.
  • Payment Heads & Allowances Setup
  • Payment Type setup
  • Salary Sheet and Pay Slip
  • Provident Fund, Gratuity & Others Funds
  • Occasional Deduction and Addition
  • Account Statement
  • Attendance and Other Reports

Library & Inventory

  • Manage your library and Inventory effectively and keep the records accurately.
  • Library
  • Get the library in order with accurate records, circulation, damage records, and fines
  • Book Group, Book Records, and Book Import
  • Dewey Decimal Categorization & Management
  • Barcode Label, Spine Label Generation & Printing
  • Book Inventory Reports
  • Check-in and Checkout & Reservation
  • Circulation Reports
  • Fine Setup and Fine Allocation
  • Fine Integration with Fees
  • Library Log


  • Maintain accurate records of Inventory purchases, usage, sales, and damages and stop leakages.
  • Product, Product Group and Product Class
  • Unit of Measures
  • Receipt, Delivery, Rejections, Internal Transfer
  • Requisition & Indents
  • Vendors and Vendor Profile
  • Vendor Statement, Student / Customer Statement
  • Inventory Reports, Vendor-wise Reports
  • Integration with Accounting


  • Get all administration processes and records maintained properly and accurately. Maintain a good level of required control over all processes of the organization.

User Management

  • Ability to create, update, activate, and deactivate users
  • Role-based access control
  • Control over granular level information which role gets what permission.
  • Ability to assign multiple roles to a user.
  • Ability to assign auto-expiring role

Action & Audit Logs

  • Keep logs of users’ activity including IP Addresses, browser signatures, and other security details.
  • Keep logs of what has been changed in the database.
  • Detailed report on who did what on the system.

Communication & Alerts

  • Get on top of effective communication with students, employees, and parents with SMS, email, and mobile apps.


  • Ability to send SMS to students, parents, and outsiders
  • Contact Group and Contacts Management / Imports
  • Integration with SMS API
  • SMS Sending Logs
  • Ability to configure sending SMS on bill payments
  • Due bill sending via SMS


  • Notice Publishing
  • Notice view counts and reports
  • Popup Notice
  • Important, Urgent Notices


  • Email integration with the system.
  • Sending notice emails.
  • Sending Invoice Emails.
  • Integration of emails everywhere.

Contact Us

Crystal Solution

Bhadrapur Bus Stand, Birtamod-04, Jhapa, Nepal




[email protected]


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