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Ecommerce Web application

Ecommerce Web application

  • Features


• Home Page
o Header (Navigation Menu/ Search Product/ Cart Information)
o Slider/ Banner
o Feature Products
o About Us
o Most Selling/Popular Products
o Testimonial
o Footer (Quick Links/ Location Info/ Google Maps)
o Social Media Buttons /Plugins
• Contact Us
o Contact Details with Google Maps
• About Us
o Custom Image with Description
• Product Search Page
o Products Lists with search options
• Product Detail Page
o Product Name
o Product Specification/Details
o Product Image (Multiple Image with Zoom Effect)
o Add To Cart
o Buy Now
o Similar Products
o Product Quick Inquiry Form
• Cart Content (View Cart) Page
o Cart Content List
o Option For Cancel Product
o Option For Update Quantity
o Total Cart Amount
o Proceed To Checkout
• Checkout Page
o Order Details
o Personal and Shipping Details Form (If Not Login/Guest)
o If Login, User Information Details with Shipping Details Update Form
• Dynamic Content Pages
o Page Image/Details
o Related Pages Sidebar
o Frequently Asked Question List With Click To Open Animation
• Testimonial
o User Name with Comments
• Blog/ News
o Blog/News Lists
o Blog/News Details

• User Management
o Registration Form
o Login Module
o Forgot Password Option
o Profile Page
 Update Profile
 Change Password
 Request Delete/Deactivate Account
• Product
o Add To Cart
o Checkout/ Order Products
o Write Reviews
o Rate Products (5 Star Rating)
o Quick Inquiry
o Order History Report
o Payment option
• Dashboard
◦ Total Vendor Count
◦ Total Customer Count
◦ Total Product Order Count
◦ Total Product Cancel Count
◦ Total Product Delivery Count
◦ Most Selling Product
◦ Top 5 Customers
◦ Alerts
▪ Upcoming Order Deliver Date
• Banner Management
◦ Add/ Update/ Delete Banner
◦ Banner Lists
• Menu Management
◦ Add/ Update/ Delete Menu
◦ Menu Lists
◦ Re-arrange Menu
• Pages Management
◦ Add/ Update/ Delete Dynamic Pages
◦ Pages List
• Product Management
◦ Add/ Update/ Delete Product Information
◦ Products List
◦ Manage Featured Products
• Customer’s Response
◦ Contact Us Details List
◦ Quick Inquiry List
◦ Product Order List
◦ Product Delivery List
◦ Product Cancel List
• Blog/ News Management
◦ Add/ Update/ Delete Blog/ News Category
◦ Blog/News Category Lists
◦ Add/ Update/ Delete Blog/News Details
◦ Blog/News Details List
• Testimonial Management
◦ Testimonial Lists
◦ Update/ Delete Testimonial
◦ Publish/ remove Testimonial
• FAQ Management
◦ Add/ Update/ Delete FAQ
◦ FAQ Lists
• Useful Links Management
◦ Add/ Update/ Delete Useful Links
◦ Useful Links List
• SEO Management
◦ Add/ Update/ Delete SEO Pages
◦ SEO Pages List
• Vendor Management
◦ Add/ Update/ Delete Vendors
◦ Vendor List
◦ Deactivate Vendor
• Users Management
◦ Add/ Update/ Delete Users
◦ Users List
◦ Deactivate Users

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