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Gyan- School Management Software

Gyan- School Management Software

Gyan stands out as a comprehensive, all-in-one platform designed to streamline various administrative and operational aspects of educational institutions, encompassing everything from billing and student assessments to library and hostel management. Its ease of use, combined with a track record of reliability, makes it an ideal choice for educational settings of any type or size. What sets Gyan apart in a crowded market is not just its competitive pricing but also its unique array of features. This system offers a robust yet straightforward solution, ensuring seamless integration across different departments within an educational organization, including but not limited to, administrative offices, accounts, libraries, hostels, examination boards, transportation services, and extracurricular activity coordination.

By providing a unified platform, Gyan facilitates the efficient coordination between various facets of school and college management, thereby enhancing the overall operational efficiency. This integration ensures that all departments, from the examination cell to the transportation and extracurricular committees, can work in harmony, fostering a more organized and productive educational environment. Gyan’s distinctive blend of affordability, comprehensive features, and user-centric design not only simplifies the management of educational institutions but also significantly improves the quality of education and institutional administration.

  • Features


Account Module
Final Report with Balance-Sheet, Profit & Loss, Trial Balance, Group Summary.
Ledger Summary Statement, Ledger Category, Day Book
Cash Flow, Fund Flow, Cash Book, Debtors/Creditors Report.
Sales/Purchase Report
Monthly Bill Receipt

Student Module
Student details
View Due Amount
Student Registrations
Student Admissions
ID Card/Library Card Generations

Library Module
Different Books Category Setup
Books Purchase
Books Issue
Book Receive
Book Request
Fine for Expired books
Books availability checks by students
Generate Expired books by borrower

Exam Module
Student marks entry
Student Progress within session
generate Mark-sheets
Generate Class Ledger
Additional [Optional] Features
Balance/ Statement/ Dues through SMS
Score/ Mark-sheet/Position through SMS
Library Reports over the Internet
Exam Results over Internet
Statements/Dues/ Balance reports over Internet

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