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Human Resource Management System

Human Resource Management System

HR Management System with our comprehensive Employee Entry and Management System, designed to streamline the intricate processes of employee administration from entry to exit. This cutting-edge system caters to the dynamic needs of Research and Development teams, offering specialized modules for General Information, Banking Details, Training, Education, Experience, Awards, Skills, Languages, and Certifications. It’s an all-encompassing solution for managing the myriad aspects of employee profiles, ensuring a robust and detailed repository of employee capabilities and achievements.

Our system extends beyond basic employee data management, incorporating advanced modules for Employee Promotion, Contracts, Warnings, De-Registration, and Departmental Transfers. The integrated Attendance Module revolutionizes how businesses track time, supporting Computer, Device, and Manual Attendance entries, alongside features for managing late arrivals, early departures, and overtime. The Leave Module simplifies leave management with functionalities for categorizing leaves, assigning to employees, and processing applications, while the Roster Module offers flexible shift planning and viewing options.

In addition to these, the system boasts a comprehensive set of HR tools including Holiday Management, Fuel and Field Visit Logs, and a General Settings section for configuring Branches, Departments, Employee Types, and Designations. The Admin Settings further empower managers with User, Group, Permission, and Module Management capabilities. The Salary Module is a powerhouse for payroll processing, featuring detailed setups for Salary, Taxes, Deductions, and Payslip Generation, alongside robust reporting tools for Pay, Tax, Provident Fund, and Performance Appraisals.

Our system is not just software; it’s a strategic tool designed for the modern workplace, facilitating seamless HR operations, from meticulous record-keeping and attendance tracking to sophisticated payroll and performance appraisal processes. It’s the perfect blend of functionality and simplicity, ensuring that your HR department is equipped to meet the challenges of today’s fast-paced business environment.

  • Features
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Employee Entry

  • Research and Development
  • General Information
  • Bank Information
  • Training Information
  • Education Information
  • Experience Information
  • Award Information
  • Skill Information
  • Language Information
  • Certificate Information

Other Employee Module

  • Research and Development
  • Employee Promotion
  • Employee Contracts
  • Employee Warning
  • Employee De-Registration
  • Employee Transfer(Department to Department )
  • Reports

Attendance Module

  • Research and Development
  • Computer Attendance
  • Device Attendance/SDK Generate
  • Manual Attendance
  • Late In/Early Out Posting
  • Overtime Entry
  • Monthly/Week All Attendance Entry
  • Attendance Report

Leave Module

  • Research and Development
  • Leave Category
  • Leave Vs Employee
  • Leave Assign
  • Leave transfer
  • Leave Application(with Print) and Approved Level
  • Reports

Roster Module

  • Research and Development
  • Shift Setup
  • Roster Setup(Weekly/Monthly)
  • Roster View(Pdf,Excel,Email)


  • Research and Development
  • Calendar
  • Holiday Entry
  • Holiday View

Other HR Module

  • Research and Development
  • Fuel Log or Request (Approval Different Level)
  • Field Visit Log or Request (Approval Different  Level)

General Setting

  • Branch Setup
  • Department Setup
  • Employee Type Setup
  • Designation Setup
  • Policy Setup

Admin Setting

  • User management
  • Group Management
  • Permission Management
  • Module Management
  • Module Order

Salary Module

  • Research and Development
  • Salary Income/Deduction Type Setup
  • Fiscal Yearwise Tax(Male/Female) Setup Employee Salary Set
  • Bulk /Single Salary Review
  • Payslip Generation(Single/Multiple)
  • Salary Voucher
  • Advance Salary Management
  • Insurance Module
  • Festival Allowance Calculation based on Rules.
  • Bonus Salary (Quarterly)
  • Reports
    • Monthly Pay Reports
      • Pay Summary/Tax Also
      • Salary /Bank Payment/Cash Payment
      • Statutory Report
      • Social Security Tax(SST)
      • TDS (Tax Deducted at Source)
      • SST/TDS Detail
      • Consolidate STT/TDS
      • Provident Fund Statement(PF)
      • Citizen Investment Trust(CIT)
      • Audit & Reconciliation Report
      • Tax Calculation Summary
      • Annual Tax Details
      • Other Reports
      • Loan Recovery
      • Loan Repayment
      • Advanced Recovery
      • Salary Review Report

Performance Appraisal

Contact Us

Xelwel Innovation (P.) Ltd.

Samakhusi , Kathmandu
[email protected]
Phone: +977-9843569096
Tech Support: +977-9851185208

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