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Dive into the world of collaborative learning with Kapedia, the dynamic educational platform engineered by Facet Technology. Designed to foster engaging discussions and enriching Q&A sessions, Kapedia invites learners to post questions, exchange insights, and elevate discussions by voting on the most insightful answers. This platform is your gateway to connecting with a passionate community of learners and experts, all committed to sharing knowledge and driving educational progress. Whether you’re seeking to deepen your understanding of complex subjects or share your expertise with others, Kapedia offers a vibrant space to enhance your learning journey. Embrace the opportunity to connect, learn, and grow with Kapedia today – where every question is a step towards greater knowledge.

  • Problem & Solutions
  • Features
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Problem & Solutions

Problem Statement
The traditional education system often lacks interactive and engaging platforms for students and learners to participate actively in discussions and Q&A sessions. Many students find it challenging to access a vibrant community where they can freely post questions, share their knowledge, and receive valuable feedback from their peers. Additionally, finding the best answers to their questions becomes cumbersome due to the sheer volume of information available online. There is a need for an educational platform that fosters active participation, facilitates knowledge sharing, and provides an efficient way to identify the most helpful answers.

Our Solutions
To address the above problem, Kapedia aims to be an interactive educational platform that revolutionizes the learning experience for students and learners. To further enhance the learning experience and support students’ exam preparation, Kapedia incorporates a feature that provides questions from past years and exams.


  • Question and Answer System
  • Collaborative Answering
  • Rating and Reporting
  • User Notifications
  • Community-oriented
  • Question searching sorting
  • User Following and Activity Feed
  • User Profiles and Reputation Showcase
  • Tags and Categorization

Contact Us

Facet Technology P L

Dhumbarahi Marg, Kathmandu 44602

00977 4515186

[email protected]

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