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Mobile Application Development

Mobile Application Development

  • Features


• Login/Register

  • Facebook/Google/Normal

• Verification of email/phone

• Product Listing

  • Image Slider banner with variable route i.e. navigate to different parts of the app on slider click.
  • Product listing with different views.
    • Horizontal Scrolling
    • Vertical Scrolling Grids.
    • Rectangular and squared-shaped items.
  • Static contents (view html contents)
    • Product Description
    • Product details.
    • Product share on the social page.
    • The product set as favourite.
    • Rating views.
    • Product Images viewer.
    • Add to cart.
    • View cart items from the product description page.
    • Product related to similar category.
    • Product related from a similar seller.
    • Product tags and display lists in tag click.
    • Product variants with multiple product options within the same product.For example: Products with different sizes large, small, extra large and with different prices.
  • Search
    • App Search with filter options.
    • Can view items in list and grid views.
  • Cart Page
    • Update quantity Item from cart.
    • Add to Favourite from the cart.
    • Remove the item from the cart.
  • Categories page.
    • List all the categories of all the products.
    • Display all products from the category.
  • Profile
    • Display profile details.
    • Recently made orders.
      • Active Orders with cancel order option.
      • Cancelled orders.
      • Completed orders.
    • Reward points.
    • Wishlists (Product set as favourite)
    • Contact Us.
    • Settings
      • Edit profile information
      • Change login password.
      • Deliver address page
  • Create and edit the delivery address
    • Allow the user to select country, district, and city with dropdown.
  • Set deliver an address as default.
    • Terms and conditions
    • Privacy policy
      • Terms & Conditions
      • Data Policy
      • Cookies Policy
      • Refund Policy
      • Return Policy
    • About us
  • Payment options
    • Esewa (Needs to be coded on both Android and ios platforms)
    • Khalti(Needs to be coded on both Android and ios platforms)
    • Cash on delivery.
  • Push Notifications
    • Push notification with an image feature.
    • Notification click options with various functionalities..
      • Navigate to different parts of the pages.
  • Open product description.
    • Share product immediately upon product click.
    • Open the profile page.
      • Share a product.
      • Open url with an inbuilt simple web browser or a different browser.
  • Checkout
    • Stepwise checkout
      • Cart listings.
      • Delivery address page.
      • Payment options.
      • Overview page with the total amount with a discount from payment option selection.
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