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Educational ERP

Educational ERP

Educational ERP emerges as a cutting-edge, efficient, and agile software solution crafted specifically for the nuanced requirements of schools and colleges, positioning itself as a beacon of technological advancement in educational administration. This software is engineered to streamline operations, enhance the user experience, and provide adaptable features that evolve with the sector’s needs, ensuring educational institutions are well-equipped for the digital era.

Nimble’s Education ERP stands at the forefront of technological innovation, offering a comprehensive and agile solution designed to meet the diverse needs of schools and colleges. This advanced system merges essential educational management functionalities — from administration and finance to HR, assets, inventory, and office automation — into a single, unified platform, streamlining complex operations and simplifying workflows.

Crafted with utmost flexibility, the software is customizable to cater to the unique requirements of each institution, while its user-friendly interface guarantees an effortless user experience. By automating routine tasks and refining administrative processes, Nimble’s ERP elevates operational efficiency, freeing up staff to concentrate on core educational goals.

Equipped with powerful analytics and reporting tools, the system provides educational leaders with valuable insights for informed strategic planning and decision-making, leading to enhanced educational outcomes. Its scalable architecture ensures that it can accommodate the growth of any educational institution, maintaining optimal performance and flexibility to adapt to evolving needs.

Security is paramount with Nimble’s ERP, which implements stringent measures to protect sensitive data from cyber threats, ensuring a safe and reliable environment for users. Furthermore, the commitment to continuous improvement means that the system regularly receives updates and new features, keeping it at the cutting edge of technology and ready to meet future challenges.

  • Academics
  • Financials
  • Administration
  • Human Resources


  • Student Information System
    Preadmission process (Student inquiry, shortlist, selection)
    Student admission
    Generate student ID card with QR-Code.
    Recording student-related documents both personal (citizenships, father’s mother’s details, etc.) and academic certificates (migration, transcripts, character certificates, etc.)
    Tracking student attendance (Manual and Device options available).
    Send Email/ Notices to Students
    Student Portal
    Mobile app for students and parents
  • Exam Management
    Define grading criteria as per requirement. (Can apply different grading systems for different programs).
    Define ranking criteria as per requirement. (Can apply different ranking systems for different programs).
    Define exam type/assessment types
    Define exam terms
    Manage exam weightage
    Create exam schedule
    Manage exam remarks (General remarks & student-specific remarks, both options available)
    Manage exam attendance
    Grading for extra activities
    Marks entry and verification (Admin and teacher both options available)
    Result calculation and publishing result
    Print admit card
    Print report card (Marksheet / Grade sheet)
    Custom report card (Report card can be customized as per school requirement)
    Marks/grade ledger
  • Board Exam Management
    Board symbol number management.
    Board exam registration.
    Board subject registration
    Exam registration reports
    Subject registration reports
    Student passed and back paper tracking
    Marks/grade ledger
  • Rubric Marking System
    Rubric Rule Setup.
    Rubric Criteria Setup.
    Reubric Scale Setup.
    Continuous feedback and marking system
    Reubric Ledger
    Customizable Report Card
    Marks/grade ledger
  • Learning Management System
    Course creation, allocation, and management
    Course/ subject wise attendance
    Curse content and resource management
    Assignment and homework management
    Ranking and grading of assignments
    Lecture notes and course plan
    News and announcements
    Forums and Discussions
    Live classes (Integrated with Zoom, and Google Meet)
  • Student and Parent Self Service
    Student and parent login portal
    Students and parents can view all activities related to the student such as student profile, attendance, marks, routines, notices, and all student and parent-related information.
    Students can view course details, and homework details and submit the homework details.
    Parents can view the homework submission details and teacher comments.
    All LMS features.
    Student forum where students can create discussion topics and all students can add comments on the topic.


  • Billing Management
    Automatic push data to financial accounting
    Online payment integration (eSewa, Khalti, Connect IPS)
    Managing fee titles
    Creating fee structure for classes/batches
    Provide discounts/scholarships to students
    Apply fine policy
    Create fee invoices and set payment deadlines (in bulk or individual)
    Manage bus fees, hostel fees, canteen fees, etc.
    Record fee receipts
    Manage advance payments,
    Miscellaneous fees assigned and receipt (Copy, pen, pencil, school uniform, etc.)
    Student-wise statement report
    Daily cash collection report
    Due reports
    Fee due aging analysis
    IRD Approved (optional)
  • Financial Accounting
    Managing chart of account (Up to 11 levels)
    Manage customer/ vendor information
    Manage cost center (Up to 7 dimensions)
    Budget planning and controlling
    Reconcile bank statements
    Journal entries
    Vendors bill entry
    Payment entries (Tracking bill-wise)
    Receipt entries (Tracking bill-wise)
    Fiscal year closing
    Check printing
    Customized document numbering
    Approval workflow
    Profit and loss statement
    Balance sheet
    Cash flow
    Trial balance
    Customer/ vendor ledger
    General ledger
    Aging report
    Other analytical reports
    IRD Approved (optional)


  • Transportation Management
    Define route and bus stops
    Record vehicle information
    Record driver information
    Record vehicle activities
    Record vehicle maintenance information
    Assign students to route
    Charge fee to students (Route/location wise)
  • Library Management System
    Define membership type
    Manage library membership
    Define book category
    Define issue rule
    Create a book group/ subgroup
    Enter book information
    Manage book circulation (Issue/ Renew/ Return)
    Printing barcode/ QR Code
    Collect fine
    Book reservation
    Daily book transaction report
    Book due report
    Book issue report
    Book count report
    Other custom reports
  • Communication and Messaging
    Sending notices to students and parents (In bulk or individuals)
    Push notifications through web and mobile apps (In bulk or individuals)
    Email notification for different activities such as fee due, exam result, exam schedule, book due custom emails, etc.
    SMS, Email or push notifications on mobile (In bulk or individuals)
  • Custom reports
    User can create custom reports as per their requirements
    Can create custom report template (Invoice, receipt, exam report card, etc.)

Human Resources

  • Attendance Management
    Link attendance with Attendance devices, auto marks present, absent, late, early, etc.
    Holiday settings
    Online attendance options are available.
    Download attendance logs, calculate attendance, and generate reports.
    Generate monthly attendance for salary calculation.
    Generate Various Attendance Reports such as Daily Present, absent and Leave Status, Periodic Attendance Summary, Periodic Overtime Summary, Periodic In/Out Summary, etc.
  • Leave Management
    Leave master setup as per organization leave rule
    Leave balance, opening, encashment, Lapse, and closing transfer
    Online leave application and approval to reduce paperwork and effective leave management
  • Employee Management (PIS)
    Personal Information, Service Information, Other Official Information and Salary Information
    Recording Pan, No, PF, CIT, Insurance Number, and Bank Account, etc.
    Documents Attachment.
    Record Family Details, Previous Employment Details, Record Education Details, and Job Allocation Details.
    Training Details, Award Details, Research and Publications, Medical Details.
  • Letter Generator
    Letter generator system for employees.
    Users can generate all types of letters related to employees with predefined templates such as appointment letters, promotion letters, transfer letters,s, etc.
    Save your users time and avoid mistakes on letters by standardizing the letter generation process.
  • Payroll
    Can create salary titles according to requirements.
    Complete formula-based salary titles, so easily customized with any type of organization.
    Payment option for monthly, periodic, or on-demand, etc.
    Can generate any number of payment sheets in a single month.
    Automatic TDS calculation.
    Manage temporary/ short time-period/ full-time/part-time/seasonal employees’ salary, TDS, and history.
    Generate salary slip and send slip in email.
    Other salary reports such as SSF, PF, CIT, bank, tax deposit, advance deductions, etc.
    Reports based on various cost centers.
  • Employee Self Service
    Employees have their login account
    Employees can create requests for Leave, Attendance, Late/Early, Overtime, etc. from their login.
    Employee can view their reports such as leave balance, daily and monthly attendance, pay slips, notices, organizational document resources, etc.
    Employee’s dashboard is available to summarize all the information related to the employee and subordinates.
    Linked with educational portal with all features.
    Mobile apps for employee self-service.
  • Inventory
    The system allows to management of all consumable inventory of the organization.
    Organizations can manage single or multiple stores.
    Real-time view of item stock in store.
    Employees can request inventory and acknowledgment of receipt.
    All required reports with dynamic reporting module.
  • Asset Management
    The system allows to management of all fixed assets of the organization.
    Allow to generate asset labels with QR codes.
    Calculate asset depreciation for any period such as monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly.
    Manage all lifecycle of assets such as asset booking, allocation, transfer, issue, return, repair maintenance, warranty, and service history.
    Allow period reconciliation cycle.
    All required reports with dynamic reporting module.
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