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Payroll Management System

Payroll Management System

Payroll Management System, a comprehensive suite of digital HR solutions designed to streamline and enhance the management of employee lifecycle and attendance within an organization. The Employee Module is a robust framework that covers every aspect of employee management from entry to exit, including detailed profiles with general, bank, and tax information, qualifications, work experience, identification, and much more. Customizable job descriptions, shift schedules, and a dedicated training module ensure that each employee’s journey is fully documented and optimized for their specific roles. Additionally, the system facilitates seamless employee transfers, promotions, contract renewals, and resignation processes, complete with detailed summaries and reports for every stage. This module not only simplifies HR tasks but also personalizes the management process for each employee, reflecting the modern need for flexible and detailed HR solutions.

On the other hand, the Real-Time Attendance Module of this product revolutionizes how attendance is tracked and managed, offering capabilities for automatic synchronization across multiple devices in real time. Employees can mark attendance via computers, devices, and a mobile app, with options for manual entry and comprehensive reporting on attendance patterns. The module extends to detailed leave management, over-time management, and rostering, ensuring that each aspect of time management is covered with precision. From setting up leave categories and managing overtime rules to generating detailed reports and handling salary adjustments, this module provides a versatile and user-friendly platform. The Payroll Management System is integrated with administrative setups for group and user management, departmental configurations, and policy setups, Xelwel’s solution empowers organizations to maintain a productive, satisfied workforce with streamlined operations and enhanced policy compliance.

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Employee Module
I. Employee Entry
a. General Information
b. Bank Information
d. Qualification
e. Work Experience
f. Identification
g. Attachments
h. Language & Skills
i. Nominees/Relatives.
j. Job Description
k. Customize Shift Every Employee Individually
l. Training Module

II. Employee Transfer
a. Employee Transfer Entry (Department or Branch)
b. Transfer Summary
c. Transfer Detail

III. Employee Promotion
a. Employee Promotion Entry (Level or Designation)
b. Promotion Summary
c. Promotion Detail

IV. Employee Renew Contract
a. Employee Renew Entry
b. Renew Summary
c. Renew Detail

V. Employee Exit Interview
VI. Employee Resignation
a. Employee Resignation Entry
b. Resignation Summary
c. Resignation Detail

VII. Employee Exit Module

IX. Change Employee Status

X. Report

Real-Time Attendance Module
I. Attendance Module
a. Automatically Synch Attendance More than 1 Device (Real Time)
b. Employee Can Attendance Through Computer, Device, and Mobile app.
c. Manual Entry Single or Bulk Attendance.
d. Late In /Early Out Posting
e. Report
i. Present/Absent Summary
ii. Roaster Wise Individual Attendance Sheet
iii. Office Shift-wise Attendance Sheet
iv. Custom Shift-wise Attendance Sheet.
vi. Check In Check Out
f. Attendance Sheet Generate Bulk/Individually.
G. Conditional Filter By Your Requirement

II. Leave Application
a. Leave Category
b. Employee Type-wise Leave Set
c. Leave Earning/ Opening.
d. Leave Application and Different verification level.
e. Leave Report
f. Leave Transfer to Next Fiscal Year.
g. Substitute Leave Deposit.
h. Leave Cancel or Return
i. Report:
i. Leave Taken Report.
ii. Leave Earning Report
iii. Leave Balance Report

III. Over Time Management
a. Set OT Rules and Designation rate setup or Level Wise Rate Setup
b. Get Data From Attendance and Set it as OT.
c. OT Pay to Generate and Integrate on Salary Generate
IV. Roster
a. Roster Shift Category Setup
b. Department Wise Roaster Setup
c. Set Roaster Monthly/Weekly or Custom
d. Transfer Roster
e. Roster Analysis Report

IV. Others Module
a. Field Visit or Training Entry
b. Working Days Entry
c. Announcement Entry As per Department, Designation, Gender, and Employee Type. Etc.
d. Holiday Entry As per Department, Designation, Gender, and Employee Type.Etc.

V. Administration Setup
a. Group Management,
b. User Management.
c. Permission Management
d. Department
e. Designation
f. Employee Level
g. Employee Type


I. Salary Module
a. Employee Salary Set As Per Designation or Level
b. Employee Addition or Deduction Regular Basis
c. Monthly Addition or Deduction
d. Salary generated as per Attendance or Manually
Generate Employee Salary (Single or Bulk)
e. Salary Adjustment
f. Field Visit Generate and Payment.
g. Salary Payment Single Or Bulk
and Generate Bank Letter
h. CIT Letter, PF Letter, Insurance Letter, etc.
i. Employee Salary Slip Single or Bulk.
j. Salary Report
k. Allowances

II. Over time Salary Generate
IV. Tax Configuration
V. Yearly Tax Planning
VI. Salary Correction
VIII. Advance Salary Management
IX. Employee Grade
a. Grade Entry
b. Grade Summary
c. Grade Detail
d. Auto Grade Increment (Feature)

X. Salary General Setting
a. Department Setup
b. Employee Type Setup
c. Designation Setup
d. Level Setup
e. Salary Set As Per Level or Designation
f. Organization Policy Setup
g. Add/Deduction Type
h. Fiscal Year Wise tax Setup

IV. Others Module
a. Bank Entry
b. Working Days Entry
c. Announcement Entry As per Department, Designation, Gender, and Employee Type. Etc.
d. Holiday Entry As per Department, Designation, Gender, and Employee Type.Etc.

Administration Setup
a. Group Management,
b. User Management.
c. Permission Management
d. Department
e. Designation
f. Employee Level
g. Employee Type


Contact Us

Xelwel Innovation (P.) Ltd.

Samakhusi , Kathmandu
[email protected]
Phone: +977-9843569096
Tech Support: +977-9851185208

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