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SHIKSHYA software emerges as a user-centric, thoroughly tested, and verified solution tailored for educational institutions of all types. Setting itself apart in both functionality and pricing, SHIKSHYA stands out in a crowded marketplace. The software serves as a comprehensive and potent platform that bridges various departments within an educational institution, including office administration, accounting, library services, hostel management, examination boards, transportation, and extracurricular activities, among others.

This meticulously crafted application boasts a wide array of features designed to streamline the organization, facilitate interaction, enable expression, foster creativity, enhance search capabilities, optimize storage, and improve communication across educational settings. SHIKSHYA represents our commitment to your institution, conceived and crafted with an acute awareness of the diverse needs and challenges faced by premier educational institutions, whether they are established leaders or aspiring pioneers in their fields.

  • Features
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Accounting System

Multi-Account Group/Ledger Setup and Configuration
Journal Voucher and Other Voucher Entry System
Final Report with BS, PL, Trial, Group Summary, Ledger Summary Statement, Ledger Category, Day Book, Cash Flow, Fund Flow, Cash Book
Student Ledger Statement and Class Ledger
Transportation and Hostel Transaction System
Inventory Stock and Uses with Account

Student Management System

Registration, Edit, and Accounting Control with Fee Description
Student Manage Semester and Year with account
Class Setting with Hostel, Transportation, and Other Fare Registration
Practical Subject Registration
Entrance and Result Information
Student Transfer, Disabled and Present Registration with Information

Examination System

Examination Setting with Different Report Configuration
Different Mark sheet Report Format Configuration
Marks roundup and Decimal Place Setting
Class-wise and Section Marks Ledger Configuration
Class Top and Overall Class, School Report in Graphical Format
Different Class Subject Configuration Support

Library System

Easy Book Registration from one Form (Category, Authors, Publishers)
Searching and Editing Feature
Easy Book Transaction (Issue and Return)
Transaction and Return Report
Fine and Expire (Delay) Return Control with Accounting Ledger

Other Feature

Academic Calendar with Description
User-wise Authority (Login) Control System
Personal Contact Information System
Staff Profile Management System
Transaction Log System
Complete accounting in a Double Entry System.
Dual Date (Nepal and English) Support with Auto Convert.
Multiple Company Facility.
Drill Down from all Reports to Source Voucher.
Ledger Merged Facility.
All reports are in Excel (spreadsheet), PDF, and HTML Format.
User Friendly – Equipped with both Keyboard and Mouse navigation.
Report available T-Format and Tree Format.
Auto Backup Option to the desired Path.
Data can be stored in External Devices (e.g.: Flash Card / Pen Drive)
Different Level of Security Right Defining.

Contact Us

DreamSys IT Solutions P. L.
Chipledhunga, Pokhara, (Nepal)

Phone:+977-061-537953, 9846210550

Email Address:[email protected]

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