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School Management System

School Management System

“Optimize school operations with our advanced School Management System from Web House Nepal, crafted to digitize and consolidate academic management tasks. This comprehensive platform facilitates the seamless handling of student profiles, academic achievements, faculty details, attendance tracking, schedules, fee management, and more. By integrating cutting-edge technology, our system enables efficient monitoring of student progress, simplifies report generation, and fosters enhanced communication with parents through online access and direct messaging features.

Designed to significantly reduce manual paperwork and streamline administrative processes, our solution promotes error reduction and time savings, leading to improved organizational effectiveness and decision-making capabilities. Embrace the future of educational management with our system, widely adopted for its ability to improve overall school functionality and stakeholder engagement.”

  • Web based System for School
  • Mobile Application for Parents
  • App for Teacher
  • Advantages
  • Contact Us

Web based System for School

The system has a user-friendly and managed dashboard for school admin. The Dashboard of our School Management System can be an effective tool for administrators to manage and monitor student information, academic progress, attendance, and other important data.

The dashboard can provide real-time updates, charts, graphs, and reports to help stakeholders make informed decisions and take appropriate actions. With a user-friendly interface, the dashboard can simplify tasks such as scheduling, grading, and communication, and can also enhance collaboration and accountability among different departments and individuals. Overall, a well-designed web-based dashboard can improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency of the school management system, and ultimately contribute to better student outcomes.

User / Students
From the system admin can see all the details of the student. Can manage the students. Can add the student, can edit the student, can delete the student.

User / Teachers
From the system, the admin can see a list of the teachers and details of the teachers. Can manage the Teacher. Can add the teacher, can edit the teacher, can delete the teacher.

User / Parents
Similarly, the admin can see a list of the parents and details of the parents. Can manage the Teacher. Can add the teacher, can edit the teacher, can delete the teacher.

Attendance / Students
Admin can manage and can see the details of the attendance of the students.

Attendance / Staff
Admin can manage and can see the details of the attendance of the staff.

Support/ Tickets
Admin can see the ticket list and can manage them, can see detail, status, and detail of the ticket.

Admin can manage the announcement, can add announcements, can see the list of announcements, and can edit them.

Events Management
Admin can manage the events and calendar.

Holidays Management
Admin can manage the holidays of the school.

Holidays Management
Admin can manage the holidays of the school.

School Info/ Class
Admin can manage the class as per the requirement.

School Info/ Section
Admin can manage the sections of the classes as per the requirement.

School Info/ Subject.
AAdmin can manage the subjects of the classes.

School Info/ Academic Year
Admin can manage the academic year of the school.

Exams Management
Admins can manage the exams as per the terms exam of the school.

Routines Management
Admins can manage the routines of the section and classes.

Exam Year & Type
Admin can manage the exam year and type.

Results management
Admin can manage the results of the exams. They can manage the mark sheet of the students.

Mobile Application for Parents

For the School Management System, the parent’s app is the most important part. Without the App, the Parent school management system can not be completed.

All the information about the school and their children’s activities will be found at hand. Besides the needed things like routine, notice, and results parent can get real-time attendance of their children. Not only information parent can communicate with the school using mobile application.

Here are the things that parents can do from the school app we are providing for them through school:

Using the app parents can see the attendance of the children. Not only children are absent or present they can see the attendance of the week, month year, and more.

There is always a challenge to make proper communication between parents and school but this app makes easy communication. Whatever announcement is made by school parents will get at hand. They can see the previous announcement list as well.

Parents can see the homework status of the day. What homework is assigned to their children and how their children are doing with previous homework?

Support and Ticketing
Parents also find it challenging to manage their time to attend school and gather information or make inquiries. However, our app provides them with the convenience of connecting with the school anytime, from anywhere, through a support or ticket system.

Examination Section
Parents can see the examination details of the school.

App for Teacher

School Management System has a mobile application for the teacher also. Because of the app teachers, admin, and parents can get real and proper information easily about the class, homework, attendance, marks, and more.

So here are the things that teachers can do from the App:

Attendance Management
If there is no internet connection or something wrong with the automatic attendance system teacher can make attendance using the app.

Homework assign
Teachers can assign the homework for the class from the app and the homework status of every student.

Marks update
Teachers can update the marks of every student for specific exams through our app.


Efficient and streamlined administration: A school management system automates and simplifies administrative tasks, reducing the workload and increasing efficiency.

Improved communication: The system provides tools for communication between teachers, students, and parents, improving engagement and transparency.

Centralized data management: All data related to students, staff, and operations is stored in a centralized database, making it easy to access and manage.

Enhanced security: A school management system ensures that all data is secure and only accessible to authorized users, reducing the risk of data breaches.

Real-time access to information: The system allows for real-time access to student records, attendance, and other data, facilitating quick decision-making.

Time and cost-effectiveness: Using a school management system saves time and money by reducing paperwork, increasing efficiency, and minimizing errors.

Customizable and scalable: The system can be customized to meet the specific needs of a school, and it is scalable to accommodate growth and change.

Better resource allocation: By providing insights and analytics, a school management system enables administrators to allocate resources more effectively.

Parent involvement: The system allows parents to access information about their child’s academic progress, attendance, and other data, fostering greater involvement and participation.

Improved academic performance: By streamlining administrative tasks and improving communication, a school management system can improve academic performance and outcomes for students.

Contact Us

Web House Nepal P. Ltd.
Sitapaila Kathmandu, Nepal
M: +977 9801 194 962
T: 014794680
E: [email protected]

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