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SchoolExpress is a comprehensive database solution designed to streamline the administrative and academic functions of educational institutions. By digitizing records and processes, SMS offers a centralized platform for managing vast amounts of information related to students, finances, and academic operations. With the ability to facilitate easy access to data for authorized users, the system simplifies the search and report generation processes, enhancing overall efficiency. The recent upgrade to version 2.1.1 introduces a suite of new functionalities and features, alongside an extensive array of analytical reports, making it an even more robust tool for school administration. These enhancements aim to support schools in making data-driven decisions and improving their day-to-day operations.

Within this versatile system SchoolExpress, three core modules stand out: the Student Fee Billing System, the Final Accounting System, and the Progress Report Preparation System. The Student Fee Billing System enables the generation and dissemination of advance fee bills for all students with just a single click, supporting multiple printers and providing detailed cash receipt records and financial summaries. The Final Accounting System seamlessly integrates financial data from the fee billing module, offering detailed reports on assets, liabilities, income, and expenditures for comprehensive financial oversight. Meanwhile, the Progress Report Preparation System is tailored to evaluate student academic performance, facilitating the easy entry of marks and personalized reports, including grades for personal development, attendance, and other remarks. Together, these modules form a powerful toolkit for managing the multifaceted requirements of school administration, from financial accountability to academic assessment and reporting.

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SchoolExpress has following modules:

Student Fee Billing System
This system simplifies the process of generating advance fee bills for all school students with a single click and allows for the distribution of these bills through multiple printers (including laser and DOS modes). It organizes cash receipts efficiently, enabling easy access to comprehensive student information and financial summaries. Essential components of this module include the party ledger, student balance summaries, detailed fee income reports by title, and the bank ledger, facilitating thorough financial management.

Final Accounting System
This module seamlessly integrates with the student fee billing system, automatically importing all financial transactions in a voucher format. It enables the detailed analysis of key financial reports, including ledgers for various entities (assets, capital, liability, expenses, income), trial balances, and income and expenditure statements, ensuring a comprehensive overview of the institution’s financial health.

Progress Report Preparation System
Focusing on academic evaluation, this system is designed to compile student exam performances efficiently. By inputting marks and settings, educators can generate term and summary reports, catering to different assessment needs. Additionally, this software supports the entry of grades for personal development, attendance records, and personalized remarks, offering a multifaceted approach to student progress tracking.


1. Billing System/ Front Desk
a. Student Registration (Dual Registration i. SystemRegno ii. Manual Regno)

  • Dual Registration (System Regno/ Manual Regno)
  • Image
  • Faculty
  • Stream
  • Type (Dalit / Janajati / General)
  • Previous Academic Info

b. Admission Entry
c. Monthly Fee Generation with the Following Provision

  • Day Scholar/ Day Boarders / Boarders
  • Scholarship Student Management
  • Special Attribute with TutionFee, Tiffin, Bus Fee, Extra Tuition, Lodging /Fooding
  • Batch Processing for Multiple Months

d. Cash Receipt (Direct Income)

  • Title wise receipt
  • Provision for Discount
  • Scholarship
  • Late Fee
  • Partial Payment
  • Manual Payment of Individual Income title

e. Party Transaction (Payment /Receipt)
f. Expenses with Multiple Title (By Cash / Credit / Bank)
g. Bank Transaction (Deposit /Withdraw)
h. Stationery and Others Charges Recording System(Effect is on Advance Bill of
another Month)
i. Indirect Income (eg. Certificate / Scrap Sales / Interest)
j. Edit Provision for (Bill / Receipt / Expenses ) only with Administrative Authority
k. Easy Batch Transfer of Students from Year to Year
l. Reports

  • Due Fee of Student (All/ Class wise /Individual)
  • Generated Fee Class wise (Multilayer)
  • Fee collection (All / Title wise)
  • Individual Student Fee Ledger
  • Class-wise Fee Ledger Matrix
  • General Analysis :
    • Male / Female
    • Type : Dalit / Janajati / General
    • Stream (Science / Management / School level)
    • Scholarship wise
    • Bus Route wise
  • Expenses Analysis: Summary /Detail
  • Party Ledger Summary / Detail
  • Bank Ledger
  • Cash Book
  • Day Book

2. Account System

  • Transaction from the Billing system is converted to Voucher Automatically at Day End
  • Manual Voucher Preparation
  • Entries Unders Assets / Capital And Liabilities / Expenses / Income
  • Entries from Billing are Automatically transferred
  • Reports
    • Voucher (Date to date)
    • Ledger Summary / Ledger Individual of Every Entire
    • Trail Balance
    • Income / Expenditure
    • Balance Sheet
    • Fiscal Year Closing Balance

3. Progress Report Preparation with Following Provisions

  • Subject Entry
  • Term Wise Marks Setting
  • Subject with Grade Mark Entry
  • Personal Development with Grade Marks
  • Attendance
  • Easy Interface for Mark Entry
  • Setting
    • TermMarks Weightage percentage in Final term
    • Division
    • Rounding in Marks, Total, Percentage
    • Class-wise max no of fail sub for Passed under Consideration
    • Student Info Edit. (This entry has an effect on the Billing Account)
    • Result with
      i. class subject Highest/ Lowest / Average
      ii. Subject topper sec-wise
      iii. Fail in subject indication
      iv. Attendance / Remarks for Individual Student
      v. Class/section-wise Ledger Sheet
      vi. Individual Report card option
  • Analysis
    i. School/Class / Section Toppers
    ii. Subject Failed students
    iii. Subject-wise topper student
    iv. Average

4. Library

a. Books Entry with the following Provision

  • ISBN
  • Barcode
  • No Reference Copy
  • Multiple Authors
  • Manual Book Code

b. Student Entry (Information is shared from the Billing System)
c. Staff Entry for Reference Book Issue
d. Book Purchase from different Publication and parties
e. Book Purchase Return Provision
f. Holiday Entry
g. Book Issue and Return with Easy interface (Barcode/ Booked)
h. Fine calculation with Flexible Rules

  • Book Issue Summary/ Book Hold information
  • Damage / Loss Provision
  • Reports
  • Books Issued
  • Books Returned
  •  Books Purchased / Returned
  • Books in or Outside the Library
  • Books used according to Individual Student
  • Staff Book Issue Summary
  •  Due Summary Report
  • Analysis
    • Max Utilized Book
    • Max Hold book
    • Shortage booklist
    • Faculty wise Book Issue
    • lost and damaged
    • Fine calculation
    • Holidays

Contact Us


Simalchour, Pokhara –8, Gandaki, Nepal
[email protected]
+97761-540815 | 61-539579

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